Reggio Inspired Emergent Curriculum & Constructivist Practices in Early Childhood Education

Color and Texture Journey

I have been playing with the colors andVersion 2 textures of fabrics and threads.  Cutting and piecing here and there before committing to a specific design.  Using pins for placement so changes can still occur.

In my designs I see interesting differences in sections with subtly toned transitions and sections with greater contrast of color. Mmmm … I want to use threads to stitch and stitch, criss-crossing them into patches of color to play even more with these transitions.

Why am I sharing this? Because this playful time is a wonderful get-away for me.  I feel as if I am in another place, a new environment. At the end of a session I need to remind myself that yes, I am really back in Tennessee.  I have satisfied a creative urge that I feel I can carry with me into my day to day experiences.

An educator asked about New Year’s resolutions from other educators around the world.  I will continue with this color and texture journey … with fabrics and threads.   As an artist turned educator, I have less time to work with painting media, so I am thrilled with this new way to “be with color.”


What is your resolution? Can you carve out a creative practice that fits into your day to day?

For children? How can you assist children to enter into creative experiences with color and texture?

  • Think paper cut outs
  • Think shapes of fabric and string
  • Hold off on the glue so children can design and redesign …



Posted by Jane Broderick