Reggio Inspired Emergent Curriculum & Constructivist Practices in Early Childhood Education

Inspirations from the ACT Conference

1560545_10204184357120583_6590783685331263984_n  The Association for Constructivist Teaching recognized Dr. Connie Kamii at our annual   conference with a Life Time Achievement Award.  Hearing her speak about the history of her education and academic career was inspiring.

She contributed greatly to mathematics education in early childhood through her careful research with children from preschool through third grade.  Her work acknowledges that these young children have the ability to invent solutions for mathematical problems.  They have different ways of thinking and approaching solutions, that can only manifest when teachers refrain from providing processes or algorithms as guides in mathematics instruction.

We are once again reminded of how important it is to support children as thinkers in all that we do as educators.




Posted by Jane Tingle Broderick & Seong Bock Hong